Conference Chairs
- Enrico Nardelli, Informatics Europe / University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy)
- Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Main Theme Chairs
- Gregor Engels, SICP - Software Innovation Campus Paderborn (Germany)
- Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Chairs of the Leaders Workshop
- Jean-Marc Jézéquel, IRISA / University of Rennes (France)
- Jane Hillston, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Chairs of the Professional Development Workshop for Early Career Researchers
- Dimka Karastoyanova, University of Groningen (the Netherlands)
- Tobias Grosser, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Chairs of the Session with Industry
- Lenuta Alboaie, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania)
- Jim Ashe, University of Edinburgh (UK)
Chairs of the Higher Education Data Workshop
- Přemek Brada, University of West Bohemia (Czechia)
Chairs of the Sustainability Workshop
- Marco Aiello, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Chairs of the Workshop organized with National Informatics Associations
- Pekka Orponen, Aalto University (Finland)
- Manuel Carro, Technical University of Madrid/IMDEA Software Institute (Spain)
Chair for Industry Liaison
- Cristian Novotny, University of Edinburgh (UK)
General Organizing Committee
- Lorna Adams, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Stefano Albrecht, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Nuria Anguera, Informatics Europe
- Myrto Arapinis, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Yang Cao, University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Kit Wan Chui, Informatics Europe
- Sonja Saage, Paderborn University (Germany)
- Kerstin Sellerberg, Paderborn University (Germany)
- Svetlana Tikhonenko, Informatics Europe
- Karin Triviere, Informatics Europe