ECSS 2023

Keynotes Session

In honor of Informatics Europe's 20th anniversary, we are pleased to welcome distinguished speakers to deliver keynote speeches at ECSS 2024 during a special session dedicated to 'Reflecting on the Past and the Future of Informatics in Europe'. Our keynote speakers will be accompanied by Informatics Europe's former Presidents for a panel discussion following the keynote, where they will share their perspectives on the technical advancements in informatics over the past 20 years and its ongoing societal impact.

This session will be held on Tuesday, 29 October and is chaired by current IE President Jean-Marc Jézéquel from IRISA / University of Rennes and former President Enrico Nardelli from the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'. The audience can anticipate an inspiring session exploring how we, as the Informatics Europe community, can collaborate to advance informatics research and education, and advocate for policies that foster positive and sustainable changes through informatics across Europe.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Mark Harman, Meta Platforms Inc. and UCL (UK), on "Assured LLM-Based Software Engineering"
  • Dorothea Wagner, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany)

Session Panellists:


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