ECSS 2023

Education Workshop

Supported by IE's Education Research Working Group, the Education Workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 30, as part of the ECSS 2024 program with the theme "Academia/Industry Collaboration in Higher Education". It is open to all participants and will be chaired by Michael Kölling, King's College London and Jan Vahrenhold, University of Münster.

Most universities have collaborations with industry to support their education. The form of these collaborations varies widely, and typically includes the involvement of industry partners in student projects, guest lectures, industry membership on advisory boards, and others. How these relationships are managed also varies, from single-teacher, ad-hoc arrangements to dedicated department policies and formalised contracts.

This workshop will start a project which aims to produce a report on best practices of HE/Industry collaboration in education. The report will illustrate examples of current practice across different European countries, identify and summarise best practices, and include a section with concrete recommendations and advice for institutions that wish to improve their practice.

The purpose is to both report on the state of practice, and to improve current practice across multiple countries by providing Europe-wide recommendations.

Participants in this workshop will work on framing the project, defining goals and limits, identifying research avenues and developing a detailed project plan.

The work to develop the report itself will take place over a while after the workshop; it is hoped that workshop participants will continue to be engaged and participate in authoring the report.

Details about workshop speakers will follow.


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