ECSS 2023

Call for Participation

ECSS 2023 - 19th European Computer Science Summit

"Informatics: Shaping the Future"

Annual Summit for Leaders and Decision-makers in Informatics and Related Disciplines

23-25 October 2023, Edinburgh, UK

This year’s summit is co-organised with our member institute the School of Informatics of the University of Edinburgh, who celebrates 60 years of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computer Science research. Devoted to crucial and timely strategic issues and trends regarding all aspects of informatics, ECSS continues to be the unique opportunity where we gather for knowledge exchange, networking and strategy-setting activities in informatics and related disciplines. We call for the participation of the community at ECSS 2023, in particular of informatics research and education leaders at all levels.

Co-chaired by Jane Hillston from University of Edinburgh and Enrico Nardelli from Informatics Europe/ University of Rome "Tor Vergata", ECSS 2023 organizational committee has prepared an exciting program of workshops, presentations by leading experts, and social activities:

Leaders Workshop: “Diversity and Inclusion in a Multicultural World”

As informatics leaders, how can you bring out the best of your colleagues with various backgrounds and experiences, and accommodate the diversity in a fair and inclusive way? Share your own experiences and gain insights from others to develop strategies to lead in an inclusive way. This session is co-organised with EUGAIN Cost Action and IE’s Diversity and Inclusion Working Group.

Professional Development Workshop for Early Career Researchers

Turn your research career into a success story! Dedicated to PhD students and post-doctorates, this session invites you to reflect on your vision and leadership qualities, devise your research career plan, and complement it with feedback from established researchers. Join also the ECSS poster session to share your research with all ECSS participants and broaden your professional network.

Main Theme Session: “Informatics: Shaping the Future”

Informatics advances have a profound impact on our way of living, which places great responsibility on us as leaders and researchers in informatics. In this session, we will learn more about some of the hot topics, such as quantum computing, health or languages models, and discuss how to leverage our knowledge and talent in shaping our dream future through informatics.

Two Academia-Industry Sessions

Highlighting the needs and challenges around highly topical issues such as life-long learning of informatics professionals and commercialization of research, speaker talks and panel discussions will bring the academic as well as the industrial viewpoints on these topics. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to discuss how to jointly tackle these issues as a community.

Higher Education Data Workshop

Join the strategic conversation: explore the power of IE's Higher Education Data Portal and how our work on data analysis can facilitate university management and policymakers on informatics research and education initiatives in Europe with reliable facts and figures.

AI and the Future of Informatics Education Workshop

Co-organised with our member National Informatics Associations and open to all participants, the workshop will focus on the impact on the practice of software engineering education, as well as the broader impacts on the informatics curriculum and educational practices. The progress of the Open Science working group initiatives, discussed at last year’s ECSS, will also be reviewed.

Green ICT and ICT for Green Workshop

Join a panel of experts to engage in a tactical dialogue on relevant research directions and what Europe could do at the policy level to improve on Green ICT and take advantage of it, both technically and socially.

Informatics Europe annual Awards Ceremony, Dialogue with Members Session as well as General Assembly will also take place, along with a number of socializing sessions through our three-day Summit. The full preliminary program is available here.

Registration is now open until 16 October. Register up to 15 September to enjoy our early bird offer!

Here are more ways to stay in touch:

  • through updates on our Summit website, LinkedIn and Twitter;
  • subscribe to our monthly newsletter Bulletin, issued around the second week of each month (except Jan & August) and/or IE-announce mailing list to receive occasional emails about events such as ECSS hosted/co-organised by IE, as well as new IE services or major updates/changes to existing ones;
  • write to our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so that you will be informed once ECSS 2023 registration opens.

We look forward to welcoming you at ECSS 2023 – a must-go event to establish and strengthen connections and strategic collaborations with informatics leaders and decision-makers at all levels, from academia to industry!

About ECSS

ECSS conferences are devoted to discussions of strategic issues and trends regarding all aspects of informatics/computer science such as research, education, entrepreneurship, funding, career development, management and policies. The key audience includes:

  • Heads (deans, chairs) of academic informatics/computer science departments (schools, faculties, institutes);
  • Research directors and managers of research centers, institutes and labs on informatics/computer science, both in public institutions and in the industry;
  • Informatics/computer science faculty members and researchers from both academia and industry;
  • Members of funding and governmental agencies for informatics/computer science at European, national, regional and local levels;
  • Experts, advisors and thinkers of numerous key issues like ethics, the relation between informatics and other scientific disciplines, informatics’ future and its influence on the academic world and society;
  • PhD students and post-doctorates conducting research on informatics/computer science.

ECSS 2024 is organised by

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Supported by VisitMalta Incentives & Meetings