2023 Minerva Informatics Equality Award
There are two winners of the 2023 Minerva Informatics Equality Award celebrating successful initiatives that have had a measurable impact on the careers of women in all stages.
This year, the Award was given to the gender-equality and anti-harassment committee from LIS (Computer Science Lab), Aix Marseille University (France), and FemTech.dk research program at the Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen (Denmark). The Minerva Award, organised by Informatics Europe and sponsored by Google, was presented during the 19th European Computer Science Summit (ECSS 2023), an in-person event in Edinburgh, UK.
Read the winning Award submissions (LIS/Aix Marseille University submission and University of Copenhagen submission) and learn what the winners say about them in the post-ceremony press-release.
On the photo from left to right: Enrico Nardelli (Informatics Europe President), Magalie Ochs (Winner Representative, Aix Marseille University), Pernille Bjørn (Winner Representative, University of Copenhagen), Simona Motogna (Award Committee Chair, Babeş-Bolyai University). |
We close this year process by warmly thanking the 2023 Award Committee with participation of EUGAIN members:
- Simona Motogna, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania (Chair)
- Antinisca Di Marco, University of L'Aquila, Italy
- Silvia Ghilezan, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
- Nicolas Markey, IRISA / University of Rennes, France
- Daniela Nicklas, University of Bamberg, Germany
- Birgit Penzenstadler, Chalmers University of Technology Sweden
- Peter Sestoft, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.