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Department Evaluation Service

Charting a Sustainable Success Path for Your Department

Discover our Department Evaluation, a service offered by Informatics Europe to assess research quality and support the continuous improvement of informatics university departments/faculties.  While Informatics Europe member institutions enjoy exclusive rates, this service is open to all institutions.

Key Features

  • Expert-Led Assessment. Conducted by internationally recognised researchers in the field, seasoned in evaluation.
  • Beyond Research Results: Our evaluation goes beyond research outcomes, encompassing research management, transferability, policy, facilities, Ph.D. training, and the societal impact of research, all integral to the quality of the work of your institution and its programs.

Dep Evaluation

  • Transparency and Neutrality. An unbiased, transparent way of assessing your institution's research activities.
  • Well-defined Protocol, but Flexible and Customizable.  An exclusive, peer-review-driven evaluation process, rooted in Informatics Europe's high standards, yet considering the particularities of your department.
  • Complementing National Accreditation Agencies. A support for departments/faculties in improving their quality and positioning according to their national accreditation schemes.
  • Comprehensive and actionable Insights.  Receive a thorough analysis of strengths, opportunities, and areas for improvement, to enhance the Department’s Vision, Road Map, and Continous Improvement Culture.


This evaluation isn't about certificates or rankings—it's about empowerment. 

We provide a comprehensive set of recommendations that help shape policies, strategic planning, and research strategy development. Our goal? To enhance the quality and impact of your institution's research, both now and in the future.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Download the full evaluation guidelines:

Contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further details and a customized offer. 

What they say about us

"In 2022, Masaryk University organized an internal evaluation of research and doctoral studies of its faculties and institutes in 2022. For its evaluation, the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University (FI MU) chose the service of Informatics Europe, to ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the evaluation process by an internationally highly recognized non-profit professional organization. After careful preparation, an evaluation visit took place at the Faculty of Informatics in Brno, Czech Republic, on September 6-7, 2022. We have been very satisfied with its progress and recommendations from an external perspective. We highly recommend this service." says Prof. Petr Hliněn, Vice-dean for research, development, and doctoral studies, FI MU.

IE Department Evaluation Committee with  FI MU faculty, during the on-site part of the evaluation.
Front Row:
 Jozef Gruska, Carlo Ghezzi, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Dimka Karastoyanova, Jiří Barnat,
Second row Jiří Zlatuška, Bara BuhnovaChristian Jutten, Petr Hliněný, Nuria Anguera, Daniel Kráľ , Václav Matyáš 

FI MU Department Evaluation Committee: