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We take great pleasure in presenting our Sponsors, who support Informatics Europe in a wide range of ways.

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Past ECSS partners and sponsors are acknowledged on a dedicated page (here).

Interested in Sponsoring us?

Informatics Europe develops strategic partnerships with the private and academic sectors based on shared goals and values. Whether you are a corporation, foundation, or academic institute, check our  below sponsoring packages to unlock a world of opportunities:

  • Elevate Your Brand: Align with a community of current and future informatics leaders across Europe and beyond, showcasing your brand as a socially and technically engaged partner.
  • Enhance Visibility: Gain prominence among leading European universities and research labs, positioning your organization as a promising collaborator for impactful EU projects.
  • Showcase and Collaborate: Display your products and services, and forge valuable partnerships with informatics experts at our annual European Informatics Leaders Summit (ECSS).
  • Commitment to Vision: Demonstrate your dedication to bridging academia, industry, and the public sector, while fostering a robust community of scientists dedicated to shaping the future of informatics in Europe.
  • Support Our Mission: Your support enables us to expand activities, enhance visibility, foster innovation, and secure additional resources for our growing community of nearly 200 member institutions across over 30 European countries, impacting over 50,000 researchers and half a million students positively!

Your support will enable us to expand the scope of activities, enhance visibility, foster innovation, and secure additional resources for a community with nearly 200 member institutions across over 30 European countries, bringing positive impact to 50,000+ researchers and over half a million students!

Sponsorship Packages


  • Prominent logo placement on the IE Sponsoring webpage and the ECSS website
  • Logo placement in the printed ECSS program
  • Display of the organisation's logo during the ECSS opening session
  • Mentioning the sponsors in general social media activities (at least 1/year)


  • All benefits from BRONZE package
  • Your poster/roll-up on display at the ECSS registration area
  • Individual promotion of the sponsorship on social media
  • Your leaflet distributed to attendees during ECSS
  • 1 free registration to the ECSS conference, including pre-summit dinner with the IE Board of Directors


  • All benefits from SILVER package
  • Share news at IE Monthly Bulletin (2/year)
  • Promo booth at the ECSS conference facility


  •  All benefits from GOLD Package
  • Share news at IE Monthly Bulletin (up to 6/year)
  • Mention and sharing of your post(s) on IE LinkedIn page
  • Send separate message(s) to the IE members mailing list (up to 2/year)
  • +1 free registration to the ECSS conference, including pre-summit dinner with the IE Board of Directors
  • Display of the organisation's logo during the opening or closing of all ECSS sessions
  • Exclusive sponsoring of the ECSS session of your choice -subject to availability (e.g. official dinner, cocktail reception, Leaders WS, etc.)
  • Active role during the chosen ECSS session, e.g. speaker, panellist, round table with students
  • Prominent logo placement on the chosen ECSS session's webpage
  • Your poster/roll-up on display at the ECSS session’s location

Acknowledgement as Sustaining Sponsor is given to those funding for at least 3 years with at least a year's notice of discontinuation. 


To learn more or customize your sponsorship opportunities, including specific activities (i.e. Awards), please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We look forward to creating a mutually beneficial sponsorship plan with you.

Willing to play a more active role in Informatics Europe? Explore our membership criteria & benefits here.

Together, let's forge a stronger common voice for the academic and research community in informatics across Europe!

[1] The term Informatics represents what is also called, depending on the country, Computer Science, Computing, Computer Engineering, IT, ICT.