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ECSS 2015 - Program and Registration


We are happy to announce that the program of the ECSS 2015 is now online. As in previous years the program is very exciting, with some of the world's most distinguished academics on the stage the Summit will not be short of inspiration and stimulation.

The ECSS 2015 will be held in Vienna, Austria, October 12-14, hosted by the Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology. The central theme of this year conference is  "Informatics in the Future - in the Year 2025". Informatics as the science behind IT has two faces: Informatics ´in itself´ and Informatics ´for others´ as a tool or methodological approach in other sciences and application fields. It is interdisciplinary quasi by nature. How will all these aspects and interconnections evolve? How will computing scientists need to evolve? How will our institutes and departments cater for that evolution? These and other critical aspects related to Informatics in the future will take centre stage at the ECSS 2015 with inspiring speakers propelling us into the future.

Below you can find a short extract of the program, for more details please visit ECSS 2015 Program.

Tuesday, October 13

Session 1: Data Science or Formal Science

Stefano Ceri - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Moshe Vardi - Rice University, USA

Session 2: Future European Research (tbc)

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon - President ERC

Session 3: Emperor or Plumber or the Relation of CS with Other Sciences

Dirk Brockmann - Humboldt University, Germany
Matti Tedre - Stockholm University, Sweden


Wednesday, October 14

Session 4: Research Organisation of the Future

Dunja Mladenic - Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Maarja Kruusmaa - Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

Session 5: Ethics and Impact or Our Relation to Society

Jeroen van den Hoven - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Bertrand Meyer - ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Reinhard Posch - TU Graz, Austria

Session 6: Public Lecture "Ada Countess of Lovelace - A One-Person Opera, and The Role of Women in Computing"

Britta Schinzel - University of Freiburg, Germany


In order to reflect the spectrum of opinions, ECSS 2015 is calling for submission of position papers on the central theme: The Future of Informatics and Informatics of the Future.
Accepted position papers will be published on the Informatics Europe web site and submitted as CEUR-WS Proceedings.
Ten submissions will be invited for a poster presentation during the ECSS 2015.

Deadline for submissions: August 15, 2015
Authors notification: September 7, 2015
To contribute: check out the full call for contributions


Registration for the conference is now open. To know more about the different events and their registrations fees and to register please visit ECSS 2015 Registration.

Please mind the deadline for early discounted fees: September 15, 2015.

Register soon to profit the discounted prices!

For more practical information about the venue, traveling and accommodation, please visit the ECSS 2015 website.