ECSS 2023

Higher Education Data Workshop

As part of the ECSS 2023 program, Informatics Europe organised the Higher Education Data Workshop with the theme “Analysis of Data in European Informatics Higher Education Landscape” on Tuesday afternoon, 24 October, open to all participants, co-organised by Informatics Europe's Data Analysis and Reporting working group and chaired by Přemek Brada, University of West Bohemia.

The landscape of higher education in Europe is as varied as its culture and regions. To help the departments and faculties get oriented in this landscape, and to promote serious, comprehensive and beneficial policy work for research and education in the field, Informatics Europe runs its Data Portal. The platform contains valuable study programme statistics and information about European higher education systems, but there are certainly other indicators to report on and other ways of presenting and analysing what is already available. Various stakeholders may have various needs and questions that the data could help answer.

In this workshop, we shared some of the usages and behind-the-scenes work of the Data Portal and the Data and Analysis and Reporting working group. Based on those examples, we discussed with all workshop participants the potential of the Higher Education Data Portal and the data analysis and reporting work of Informatics Europe to support as key drivers in shaping university management and policy makers with solid, accurate facts and figures about Informatics research and education in Europe.

Workshop Rundown

16:00 - 16:05 Welcome and introduction

16:05 - 17:20 Turning Data into Information: driving changes with IE Data Portal

17:20 - 17:50 Joint work by participants

17:50 - 18:00 Wrap up and next steps

*Please note that the photos below are better viewed when applying zoom out.

Higher Education Data Workshop
Group Discussion at Higher Education Data Workshop
Higher Education Data Workshop
Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Group Discussion at Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Higher Education Data Workshop

  • Group Discussion at Higher Education Data Workshop

  • Higher Education Data Workshop

  • Higher Education Data Workshop

  • Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Group Discussion at Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Higher Education Data Workshop
  • Higher Education Data Workshop

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