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At Informatics Europe we are celebrating 2 decades of joint achievements!

With close to 200 member institutions in over 30 countries, Informatics Europe connects more than 50,000 researchers, promotes concerted positions, acts on shared priorities and supports policy-making in Informatics Education, Research and its Social Impact across Europe.

Visit the full list of member university departments, research labs and industrial members here.

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Our activities address strategic matters and emerging trends in informatics and related fields, fostering unity in the variety of our member institutions and promoting pan-European collaboration. As a non-profit membership association, our work is mainly performed by scientist volunteers who collaborate in working groups and ad-hoc task forces. Outcomes are endorsed by our community through its Board of Directors.

As a community of European leaders in Informatics Research, we empower each other to:

  • Create opportunities for joint initiatives and knowledge exchange between academia & industry & society.
  • Engage with society on the nature and impact of Informatics.
  • Advocate for Informatics in European policy discussions.
  • Promote quality standards and best practices in research, education, and knowledge transfer.
  • Foster ethical and responsible Informatics teaching and research.
  • Nurture talent and assure a pipeline of diverse leaders with a broad understanding of the discipline.

The potential of Informatics Europe can go as far as our collective ambitions take it!

You & your organization are key for IE

We have a common cause and a common interest. This is the reason for university departments, research labs and industrial organizations to join us, for their affiliated researchers to contribute our activities since 2005 and for National Informatics Associations (NIAs) to choose us for engaging in European discussions. This is a call to:

Current & Potential Members

Demonstrate your institute’s support by becoming a member and empower your researchers to engage in our activities for collaborative success in Informatics in Europe. As an Informatics Europe member, gain the opportunity to amplify your presence and influence decisions at the pan-European level, engage in learning and knowledge exchange with peer leaders, and enjoy exclusive IE members-only services. We welcome university departments, research labs and industrial organizations engaged in R&D activities leveraging advances in the field of Informatics.

The greatest membership benefits those who collaborate the most!

Students, PosDocs and recent graduates

Informatics Europe aims to nurture talent and assure a pipeline of diverse Informatics leaders with a broad understanding of the discipline.
Boost your career development with the Early Career Researchers WS and Academic Leadership Courses. Submit your nomination for the Best Dissertation Award. Increase your mobility opportunities with our Job Platform and CV Repository. Join a training school and bring your research to the next level.
More will follow soon!

Companies at large

Looking for a targeted and impactful approach to engage with the leaders in the European informatics research community other than the IE membership? Eager to recruit informatics talent across Europe? Explore our sponsoring opportunities, which include access to our exclusive Informatics CV Repository service.

Share our flyer with your colleagues to join forces and amplify our impact together as Informatics Europe!

Discover the impact of our initiatives and services first-hand

While some are exclusive to Informatics Europe members, many are open for the benefit of the wider Informatics community. Explore them in a snapshot:

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Latest News

Register Now for ECSS 2024 in Malta

Register Now for ECSS 2024 in Malta

The wait is over. Registration is now open for ECSS 2024, our 20th annual Summit, in Malta.

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Call for Submissions: ECSS 2024's Doctoral Symposium & Poster Session

Call for Submissions: ECSS 2024's Doctoral Symposium & Poster Session

As part of the ECSS 2024 program, a Doctoral Symposium (DS) and Poster Session will be hosted in the Early Career Researchers Workshop (ECRWS) on 28 October. Submissions are now open.

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Europe’s Pioneering Summer School on Informatics Education Research

Europe’s Pioneering Summer School on Informatics Education Research

IE partners with our industry member IBM Research Europe to launch the first and only Summer School on Informatics Education Research (SCHIER) in Europe. Apply now!

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