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Faculty of Computer Science

Graz University of Technology

Graz, Austria

General Information


Since the beginning of 2004 the Faculty of Computer Science ("Fakultät für Informatik") is one of seven faculties of the Graz University of Technology ("Technische Universität Graz", "TU Graz") and the home of more than one quarter of the university entrants at the TU Graz. With its currently eight institutes, numerous partners and interesting plans for the future it is one of the most significant institutions of its kind in the German speaking countries. Pictures of the Faculty of Computer Science The Faculty offers courses for students in three 'traditional' and two 'brand-new' study programs. The traditional ones are Telematics, Software Development-Economy and Technical Mathematics. These studies, offered nowhere else in Austria, have been chosen by more than 250 persons in 2004/2005, that is more than a quarter of the university entrants of the Graz Technical University. 2003 the 1000th student of Telematics finished his studies. These numbers prove the importance and high attractiveness of the faculty. Beginning in October 2005 there are additionally two new study programs: "Computer Science" and "Computer Science & Computer Management " (Teacher Training Programme). In both of these study programs the main issues are the core areas of Informatics, a specialization for more electronics, more commerce, more mathematics is subject to advanced professional training of the graduates.



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