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Department of Information Technology

Universita' degli Studi di Milano

Milan, Italy

General Information


The University of Milan is one of the most known Italian institutions for higher education, theoretical scientific research, and applied research, in several scientific areas. Its relevance in the various aspects of Information Sciences and Technologies dates back to the origin of this scientific and application area: the University of Milan in fact largely contributed to the development and diffusion of such disciplines in Italy, at first as Department of Computer Science and – since January 2001 – also with the Department of Information Technology (originally a section of the Department of Computer Science). Through several activities in education, scientific research, applied research, technology transfer and consultancy to industry and institutions, the Department of Information Technologies contributes to the advancement of the sciences, the methodologies and the technologies for information processing, to their immediate transfer to the industry and the society, to the development of the application areas, and to the basic and higher education in these areas. In particular the activities of the Department encompass the fields of information and knowledge processing and communication, as well as the disciplines which are related for methods and topics, with specific care to a fast usability of results for the industry and the society. The competences acquired at international level in the areas mentioned above are shown in more than 800 scientific papers published in books, international journals, and proceedings of international conferences. These competences have been developed (also before the creation of the Department of Information Technology) in national and international research projects, carried out in cooperation with other Italian and foreign universities, research institutions, and industries.


Bachelor degree

Additional information is available at http://www.dti.unimi.it/segreteriadidattica.php?z=1

Master degree

Additional information is available at http://www.dti.unimi.it/segreteriadidattica.php?z=1


Research Activities

The Department of Information Technology has specific experiences in the following fields: - information processing architectures, - embedded architectures for signal/image processing and for process control, - reconfigurable architectures, - fault tolerant systems, resilient and dependable systems, - FPGAs, - computer networks, mobile networks, geolocated services, - distributed systems, - access control policies, models, and languages, - privacy and data protection, - security of information systems and networks, - cryptography and applied cryptography, - computer forensics, - biometrics, biometrics systems, - computational intelligence and artificial intelligence (neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, evolvable computing, learning, multi-agent systems), - applications of computational intelligence in industry and services, - knowledge management, ontologies, emergent semantics, reasoning tasks and expressiveness, - data mining, data warehousing, - classification, clustering, - information business process management, business engineering, - information economics, - user behavior modeling, - cooperative systems, - learning environments, - software engineering, testing, formal verification, - logic, - complex systems modeling, - system identification, - signal and image processing for industrial, biomedical, and environmental applications, - industrial automation, industrial informatics, system diagnosis, - biomedical applications, - environmental applications, - measurement systems, sensor networks, sensor fusion, quality, - electronics, electronic systems. The researchers working at the Department are: 7 full professors, 5 associate professors, 14 researchers, 10 PhD students, and over 50 research collaborators.

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