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Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

ETH Zurich

Zurich, Switzerland

General Information


ETH Zurich has been a pioneer in the use and development of computers since the 1940s. Te initial focus was on numerical computation and the development of programming languages. The Department of Computer Science was created in 1981.The Department of Computer Science (D-INFK) at ETH Zurich pursues research in the following areas of information technology: theoretical computer science, algorithm design and analysis, computational science, software engineering, information systems and databases, graphics and human-computer interfaces, computer systems, pervasive computing, security, distributed systems.Our courses cover a broad spectrum of computer science topics and lead to degrees at Bachelor, Master and PhD level. Additionally, we provide a wide range of computer courses for students of other ETH departments, as well as post-diploma programs.


Bachelor degree

Curriculum:www.inf.ethz.ch/education/bachelor Admission:www.rektorat.ethz.ch/students/admission/bachelor/index_EN Study guide:www.inf.ethz.ch/education/bachelor/StudienfuehrerBSc_08.10.08.pdf

Master degree

Master of Computer ScienceCurriculum:http://www.inf.ethz.ch/education/master/master_CSAdmission:www.inf.ethz.ch/education/master/admissionStudy guide:www.inf.ethz.ch/education/master/MasterStudienfuhrer06.pdfExceptionally qualified Master students can apply for a "Fast Track" option.Master of Computational Biology and BioinformaticsThe program is a collaboration between the Institutes of Mathematics, Computer Science, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Zurich and the Departments of Computer Science, Biology, Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH). Curriculum:http://www.cbb.ethz.ch/Admission:www.cbb.ethz.ch/admissionStudy guide:www.cbb.ethz.ch/education/courses   Master of Robotics, Systems and ControlThree ETH departments contribute to the program:Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT)Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET)Department of Computer Science (D-INFK) Curriculum:www.master-robotics.ethz.ch/curriculum/Admission:www.rektorat.ethz.ch/students/admission/bachelor/index_ENStudy guide:www.master-robotics.ethz.ch/courses/index

Doctoral Studies/Ph.D. degree

To get admitted as a doctoral student you will first have to find a professor among our faculty who is ready to supervise your thesis. Please look thoroughly through the web sites of our faculty members.You may directly contact the professor doing research in the area of your interest.   Other doctoral studiesThe Fast Track Doctoral Studies program at the ETH Computer Science Department offers exceptionally qualified students the possibility of enrolling in a Doctoral Studies program (tentative admission) before having completed the Master's degree. Students who wish to enroll in the Fast Track program must pass the Fast Track Assessment. Curriculum:http://www.inf.ethz.ch/education/ds/fasttrack Admission:Students fulfilling the following requirements may be admitted to the Fast Track Doctoral Studies:-excellent performance in the Computer Science Master program-exceptional aptitude to obtain conferral for a doctorate-successfully complete the Fast Track Assessment. Study guide:www.inf.ethz.ch/education/fasttrack


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