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R&E Directory: Adding your Institution

To add your institution to the Informatics Europe Research & Education Directory:

  • Login to the Informatics Europe website with your username and password. If you don't have an account, please register for one.
  • Once logged in, follow the link 'My R&E Directory` in the Members' Area of the login window or simply click here.

The Directory is open, and free of charge, to any European institution, including faculties, departments, institutes, and more, doing research and offering education in Informatics/Computer Sciences/IT and related areas.

Please keep in mind that the institution is entirely responsible for the accuracy and updating of the data. This is of particular importance when adding links, numbers or statistics. Informatics Europe does not conduct periodic check on the provided links and data The person filling out this form will have access (login and password) to the data and can edit or correct the information at any time.