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Joint Manifesto for Informatics Education in Spain and Beyond

Informatics Europe (IE) supports member institutions SCIE, CODDII and two other organizations in the manifesto to demand the extension of informatics education in all levels of the educational system in Spain.

Fostering high quality education in informatics has always been a major pillar of IE. Some of our recent successes include publishing Informatics Reference Framework for School and Rome Declaration by the Informatics for All coalition. Today we are delighted to accept an invitation to a joint manifesto, initiated by our member institutions SCIE and CODDII, two national informatics associations (NIAs) in Spain, in their national efforts to make informatics education a priority.

In the joint manifesto, we demand that in Spain

  1. The next reform of the Education Act should include informatics as a core subject in all the cycles of education from Primary to Baccalaureate, and that the Autonomous Regions - to the extent they have the authority to do so - extend the introduction of informatics into their teaching programmes for all the educational cycles.
  2. Sufficient resources and training should be provided for teachers to support them in the transition to an educational system adapted to the digital age in which we live, in the conviction that providing teachers with the right skills constitutes the only way of successfully implementing this educational programme.
  3. The public authorities, families, civil society and the educational sector should all pledge to make society - and in particular the younger generations - aware of the importance of creating and using technology with an ethical and humanitarian perspective.

We encourage our followers and supporters to sign the manifesto and show their support to this initiative. This will not only create an impact in Spain, but also potentially increase awareness and positive influence to other European countries on this important subject. An English translation of the manifesto is available here. For the original manifesto in Spanish and signing the manifesto, please visit https://www.manifiestoporlainformatica.com/

informaticsedu spainmanifesto final

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