Informatics Education in Europe: Are We All in the Same Boat?
Informatics Europe is proud to release the final report of the Committee on European Computing Education (CECE), a joint effort of Informatics Europe and ACM Europe.
The CECE was established by ACM Europe and Informatics Europe to bring forward a detailed picture of the state of basic education in Informatics, Digital Literacy, and Teacher Training in these disciplines in Europe. The goal was to investigate further and provide evidence for the recommendations of the first joint report “Informatics Education: Europe cannot afford to miss the boat”, published in 2013.The data has been collected over the course of two years and the findings, derived from an in-depth study, include description of recent policy and implementation changes, provide
evidence of the need for such changes, and provide support for the final recommendations.
Informatics Europe would like to thank all members of the CECE for this tremendous effort and in particular Prof. Jan Vahrenhold, University of Muenster, for the strong leadership, fundamental for the success of this major accomplishment. We are also grateful to the numerous colleagues across Europe who individually contributed to bring a more clear and systematic picture of the state of Informatics education in schools in Europe.
Download here the report "Informatics Education in Europe: Are We All in The Same Boat?"
The report is supplemented by an online map - - where the results can be explored visually and interactively.
Informatics Europe will be now leading efforts to bring the report to the attention of relevant policy makers and politicians across Europe, both at the national and European level. A plan for diffusion and lobbying has been discussed by the Board at a meeting in Edinburgh end of June. An official letter, accompanied by the executive summary of the report, translated to the national languages, will be sent to relevant officers responsible for national education. Additionally, Board members have been seeking the endorsement for the report with key Industry leaders in Europe and meetings with key players at the European Commission will be organized.
If you would like to get the letter to your national government please contact our office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We would also appreciate to know if you have relevant contact with Industry leaders who would have interest in endorsing the report.