Informatics Europe New Board Sets Strategic Priorities
At its meeting at CWI in Amsterdam, February 26, the newly shaped Informatics Europe Board agreed the strategic priorities for the coming two years.
Informatics Europe Board Meeting, CWI, Amsterdam, 26 February 2016
Based on the input that Informatics Europe collected from its members, the following strategic topics will be pursued under the leadership of an IE Board member:
- Data Collection on Informatics education in Europe: Mehdi Jazayeri
- Informatics education and curricula in schools in Europe: Gérard Berry
- Policies for evaluation of research and researchers in the field: Floriana Esposito
- Women in Informatics Research and Education: Jane Hillston
- EU visibility: Leszek Pacholski
- Industry – Academia interrelationships: Gregor Engels
Member departments interested in contributing to these initiatives are invited to contact the appropriate board member.
As a result of the new membership fees valid as of 2016, the whole Board is also investing time into attracting additional members with the purpose of increasing representation at the European level.