ECSS 2014 - Call for Submissions
Deadline for Submissions: August 7, 2014
Notifications of Acceptance: August 15, 2014
Deadline for Early Registration: August 29, 2014
The 10th European Computer Science Summit, ECSS 2014, is a unique opportunity to meet some of the leading decision makers in informatics research, education and innovation, and discuss the critical issues of the discipline. The ECSS 2014 will be a special event marking the 10th anniversary of Informatics Europe. The conference will be held in Wrocław, Poland, a beautiful city filled with history, culture and art, as well as a big center of software industry – IT and ICT companies in Wrocław employ almost 20,000 engineers.
The Summit is devoted to important and timely strategic issues and trends regarding all aspects of informatics: education, research, funding, entrepreneurship, management, career development, and policies. The 10th anniversary of Informatics Europe will be an excellent occasion to look back at what has been achieved as well as to look ahead to the new challenges facing us in the future.
The Summit will take place in one of the ten new countries which entered the European Union 10 years ago. It is a good occasion to evaluate the consequences of this decision for IT research and informatics education in the "New Europe". Therefore, as the theme of the Summit we have chosen "Closing the gap between old and new Europe". We expect that non-technical speakers and panelists will comment on changes undergone in the New Europe and the challenges it is still facing. ECSS will feature also other key topics of interest to our community and society: informatics research funding; privacy/NSA; new developments in informatics education; fostering IT-entrepreneurship.
In the view of the recent disclosures of global electronic surveillance, ECSS 2014 will feature experts who will talk about issues of computer and network security, cryptography, and cybercrime. Experts on funding and research evaluation, researchers and founders of successful companies have also been invited. The reason why some countries are so much more successful in getting ERC grants than others, and what makes some universities particularly strong in creating IT start-ups, will also be topics under debate. On education, we are recently facing substantial changes in the way that young people prepare themselves for the IT job market. The conference will feature experts talking on open online courses and how they are being regarded as a means to close the IT skills gap that allegedly jeopardizes the success of the European economy.
We are proud to announce that the following thought leaders in research, education and innovation in informatics have agreed to deliver a keynote presentation:
- Danny Dolev, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The European Research Council, Israel
- Pierre Dillenbourg, EPFL, Switzerland
- Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, UK
- Bertrand Meyer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Bart Preneel, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Andre Richier, European Commission, Belgium
- Eugene H. Spafford, Purdue University, USA
- Jaan Tallinn, Software Entrepreneur, Estonia
- Andreas Zeller, Saarland University, Germany
As for the previous Summits, the program consists of special invited talks, workshops, panels and other interactive sessions devoted to common issues, problems and proposals in the area of Informatics (Computer Science/Computing/ICT). Special features of the 2014 Summit are as follow:
- Invited talks from key players in the field
- Submitted talks by colleagues from all over Europe and beyond
- Pre-summit Workshop for Deans, Department Chairs and Research Directors on October 13th, 2014
- Celebration of the 10th anniversary of Informatics Europe
- Award Ceremony of the 2014 Informatics Europe Best Practices in Education Award
ECSS 2014 is soliciting contributions on topics of interest to the ECSS audience throughout Europe: heads (or deans, chairs, etc.) of informatics/computer science/IT departments (schools, faculties); research directors and managers of research centers and laboratories in industry or in public institutions; as well as senior faculty and senior researchers from both academia and industry. Topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:
- Strategic changes in organisation of computer science departments, research and education.
- Organizational leadership and policies in research and education in informatics.
- Outreach, school education, programming and informatics competitions, school education, students enrollment.
- Informatics and education: MOOCs, open learning, online learning, peer evaluation, engineering skills.
- Research funding in informatics: availability, coordination, experience reports, policies, personal grants, role of the government, role of industry.
Contributions are encouraged also on the key topics of the ECSS 2014: "Closing the gap between old and new Europe", "Informatics research funding", "Privacy/NSA", "New developments in informatics education (e-skills, MOOCs)", "Fostering IT-entrepreneurship".
How to submit your contribution
To contribute to the Informatics Europe 2014 Summit program, please submit an extended abstract of your position paper by August 7, 2014. Submissions will be evaluated and selected by the ECSS 2014 program committee on the basis of relevance to (and capacity of) the program. Proposals may aim at a 15 minute presentation or demonstration, and should consist of an extended abstract containing:
- A header with the title of your contribution, your name, position, and affiliation.
- A clear description of your contribution.
Extended abstracts should be formatted in the IEEE Formatting Guidelines. You can use this MS Word template or this LaTeX class. Abstracts should be at most 2 pages in length, and submitted in pdf to the Easy Chair ECSS 2014 conference submission site:
- Deadline for submissions: August 7th, 2014.
- Author's Notification: August 21st, 2014.
The selected extended abstracts will be made available to the conference attendees and on the Informatics Europe site.
Conference Venue
ECSS 2014 will be held at the Institute of Computer Science, University of Wrocław. The University of Wrocław was founded in 1712 by Leopold I Habsburg. Today it is one of the largest universities in Poland, with over 30000 students, 1500 permanent faculty and 10 departments in science, humanities, and social science. The Institute of Computer Science is one of the oldest in Poland with over 30 faculty members, 10 postdocs, over 20 PhD students and almost 500 undergraduate students.
Wrocław, Poland's fourth-largest city and the capital of the Viovodship of Lower Silesia, is a magnificent city filled with history culture and art. Originally (in medieval times) built across several islands, the city still has many lovely bridges and beautiful architecture. Wrocław has been chosen the 2016 European Capital of Culture which symbolizes mutual learning and bringing closer the cultures and intercultural dialogue among the Europeans. The European Capital of Culture constitutes an important element of search of new identity of the unified Europe.
For more details and up-to-date information please follow the conference website:
Come join this exciting and important event in the field of Informatics and participate by submitting your contribution!