New Report "Informatics Education in Europe: Institutions, Degrees, Students, Positions, Salaries"
A new Informatics Europe report has been recently published:"Informatics Education in Europe: Institutions, Degrees, Students, Positions, Salaries — Key Data 2008-2012".
The report, authored by Dr. Cristina Pereira, Informatics Europe and Prof. Bertrand Meyer, ETH Zurich, is the first comprehensive attempt to document the state of higher education in informatics (computer science) in Europe.
Based on information from representative countries, it presents a wealth of fundamental data, starting from a list of institutions awarding degrees in the field and continuing with student enrollments, degrees awarded with gender information, academic titles, as well as precise and much-needed data about academic salaries across European countries.
The report can be downloaded here and is also available at the Reports page of our website.