Department Evaluation: Extended Guidelines for Research Evaluation
The guidelines for research evaluation of European Departments and Faculties of Informatics (Computer Science, IT, Computing, etc), which were first published in 2011, have been now updated. The guidelines have been extended in order to allow Departments and Faculties to select the most appropriate form of evaluation.
In 2012 the first department evaluation has been acomplished. In July a committee of highly respected experts in the field, chaired by Prof. John Mylopoulos, performed the evaluation of the Department of Informatics, University of Zurich. In November, at the European Computer Science Summit 2012, held in Barcelona, the Chair of the Department, Prof. Martin Glinz, received the Research Evaluation Certificate from Prof. Manfred Nagl, Department Evaluation Committee Chair and Prof. Carlo Ghezzi, President of Informatics Europe. Read the full press release here.
For further information on the Department Evaluation process of Informatics Europe and detailed guidelines, please visit the Department Evaluation Service page.