Informatics in Schools: Task Forces
2017-present - The InformaticsforAll Coalition
IE representatives in InformaticsforAll Committee:
- (2017-) Enrico Nardelli, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
- (2023-) Ángel Velázquez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos and Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE)
- (2017-2023) Michael E. Caspersen, It-vest – networking universities
2013-2018 - Informatics Education in Europe: Are We All in the Same Boat?
- Jan Vahrenhold, University of Münster (Chair)
- Michael E. Caspersen, It-vest – networking universities (co-Chair)
- Gérard Berry, Collège de France
- Judith Gal-Ezer, Open University of Israel
- Michael Kölling, King’s College London
- Andrew McGettrick, University of Strathclyde
- Enrico Nardelli, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
- Cristina Pereira, Informatics Europe
Research Assistant
- Mirko Westermeier, University of Münster
2012-2013 - Informatics Education: Europe cannot afford to miss the boat
- Walter Gander, ETH Zurich (Chair)
- Gérard Berry, Collège de France
- Roger Boyle, University of Aberystwyth
- Barbara Demo, University of Turin
- Michèle Drechsler, INRP
- Andrew McGettrick, University of Strathclyde
- Avi Mendelson, Microsoft
- Antoine Petit, Inria & ENS Cachan
- Chris Stephenson, Computer Science Teachers Association
- Jan Vahrenhold, University of Münster
ACM Europe and Informatics Europe liaisons:
- Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Bertrand Meyer, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
*Note that the affiliation indicated was the one at the time of their participation in the Informatics Europe activities. Some people have changed affiliation since then.