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Board Director Nominations

Informatics Europe is grateful to consider nominations to Board Directors.


We look for individuals willing to dedicate time and energy to work on Informatics Europe issues on behalf of our membership. We have a working Board, and all members are expected to actively engage in Informatics Europe's activities, and to contribute in setting its strategy for development.

The Board is responsible for overseeing the operations and finances of Informatics Europe (see more details on the Informatics Europe Bylaws). It meets once a month via a one-and-a-half-hour meeting conference call, and three times per year for full-day face-to-face meetings. Of these, one is in conjunction with our annual ECSS conference, (co-)organized by IE Board and where all directors are expected to contribute and attend. Board members are expected to self-support travel expenses incurred through their role. Board members are expected to be active in at least one of the Activities run by the association, which are core domains strategically important for its development. Examples of such activities include the following  active Working Groups: Policy Recommendations, Diversity & Inclusion, Ethics, Green ICT, Education Research, or Open Science. Additionally, each Board member is expected to take an active role in initiatives to boost membership growth within academia, industry, and/or national informatics associations, 

Regular members can nominate candidates for the Board, and individuals can also nominate themselves. All candidates must be affiliated with a regular member of Informatics Europe and have shown commitment to contribute to the Informatics community. Terms in the Board last 3 years and people can be re-elected, if actively contributing, for other two terms.

Nomination process:

To self-nominate yourself, please fill in this form. For institution’s nominations, please ask the nominee(s) to fill in the nomination form, or send at most two names to Elisabetta Di Nitto (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), the current Chair of the Board Nomination Committee (BNC). Given the current situation of underrepresentation of women in the board, if you send two nominations at least one must be a woman.

All nominations received will be carefully screened by the BNC and evaluated with respect to geographical distribution, gender balance, research area diversity, distribution of member institution sizes, balance between academic and industrial representation, and seniority.

Based on the nominations received by May 20, 2025, the BNC will propose a short list that the Board will use as basis to contact candidates for the 2026-2028 term (nominations received after that date might only be considered for following terms). The candidates that will commit to take part in the work of the board will be proposed to the General Assembly for election.

Questions can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..