General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions are valid for each attendee registered for ECSS 2024 held by Informatics Europe (hereafter referred to as “IE”) as an in-person Summit in Malta between 28-30 October 2024. Any registered person is considered an attendee.


The registration deadlines, fees and registration link for ECSS 2024 are as presented on the Summit website. The registration will only be confirmed upon receipt of payment in full.

Data Protection and Sharing of Contact Details

In case of data protection inquiries, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by email.

Registration Fees and Payment

Letter of Invitation

Visa Requirements

Certificate of Attendance

Cancellation by the Participant

Modification of ECSS 2024 Programme

IE reserves the right to modify the programme, which is published as an indication only. No refunds will be granted in case the programme changes (including change of speakers).

Cancellation by Informatics Europe

Insurance and Other Costs

Intellectual Property Rights

IE, the ECSS 2024 speakers and/or presenters retain the copyright and intellectual property rights on their information, documents, files, presentations, and other content shared during ECSS 2024 and on the ECSS 2024 website.


Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions