Informatics Europe Bulletin: Calls Open for Education and Gender Equality Awards

Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe Bulletin - March 2021

Dear Members,

Welcome to the March edition of our monthly Bulletin. We hope you enjoy it!

In this issue:

Call for the 2021 Best Practices in Education Award

The Best Practices in Education Award recognizes outstanding European educational initiatives that improve the quality of Informatics teaching and the attractiveness of the discipline. The 2021 Award is devoted to educational initiatives in the domain of cybersecurity, understood in a broad sense, including related questions such as user empowerment and control of personal data, and digital legal education. The Award is sponsored by Microsoft and carries a prize of EUR 5,000. Proposals should be submitted electronically, before 1 June 2021.

For more details visit the Best Practices in Education Award page.

Call for the 2021 Minerva Informatics Equality Award

The 2021 Minerva Informatics Equality Award is devoted to gender equality initiatives encouraging female students to enrol in Computer Science/Informatics programmes and retaining them. The Award seeks to celebrate successful initiatives that have had a measurable impact on the recruitment and support of female students within the institution. Such initiatives can serve as exemplars of best practices within the community, with the potential to be widely adopted by other Institutions. Submissions will need to demonstrate the impact that has been achieved. The Award is sponsored by Google and carries a prize of EUR 5,000. Proposals should be submitted electronically, before 1 June 2021.
For more details visit the Minerva Informatics Equality Award page.

Ethics4EU Online Event: Save the Date - 22 April 2021

Informatics Europe as partner in the Erasmus+ Project Ethics4 EU - Ethical Computer Science Education for Europe will be organizing an online Ethics4EU event on 22 April 2021, 09:00-12:00 CEST. The event is free of charge and will be held via Zoom (registration is required). It will include prominent speakers, discussion panel and networking of experts in Ethics, academics, and professionals working in areas, roles or projects where ethical or legal aspects take central stage.
To register and find out more about the program and speakers, please visit the Ethics4EU Event website.

COST Action EUGAIN – Website Published

The new website for the COST Action EUGAIN is now online, and you can find all relevant information by browsing through the sides.

ECSS 2021 Goes Hybrid!

Due to the continuing COVID-19 crisis, the ECSS 2021 will be held as a hybrid event, from 25 to 27 October 2021, with the main theme Informatics for a Sustainable Future. The conference will consist of a series of online as well as on-site sessions.  

Please save the date and stay tuned by visiting our conference website.

Association News

Board Meetings

  • Friday, March 26, 16:00-17:00, online
  • Friday, April 30, 16:00-17:00, online
  • Thursday, May 20 and Friday, May 21, 13:00-17:00, online (Executive Committee Only)
  • Friday, May 30, 16:00-17:00, online
Don’t forget: As a member representative, you can submit agenda topics and participate as an observer in Board meetings. Let us know in case you are interested in this offer!

New Informatics Europe Members

We are very pleased to welcome the following new members: 
  German Informatics Society

They joined a growing membership of over 140 institutions from 34 European countries. Check out our current member list.

Members News

Politecnico di Milano, Italy - AI-SPRINT “Artificial intelligence in Secure PRIvacy-preserving computing coNTinuum"

The project AI-SPRINT – coordinated by Danilo Ardagna and Matteo Matteucci, Associate Professors at DEIB-Politecnico di Milano, in cooperation with Fondazione Politecnico, Cefriel and other European partners – has kicked off on January 13th, 2021.
AI-SPRINT is a Research and Innovation Action co-funded by the European Commission, H2020 Programme, whose aim is to establish a novel framework for developing and operating Artificial Intelligence applications, together with their data, exploiting computing continuum environments. Key outputs include novel tools for AI applications development, secure execution, easy deployment, as well as runtime management and optimisation, which will help to overcome current technological challenges in exploiting resources in the edge-to-cloud continuum in terms of flexibility, scalability of analytics, interoperability, energy efficiency, security and privacy. By doing so, AI-SPRINT will meet the digitisation needs of businesses and the public sector proving its competitive edge and replicability in three real-world scenarios, spanning farming 4.0, maintenance and inspection, and personalised healthcare.
For further information visit the project's website.
This space is available to include relevant news from our member institutions. If you would like to share your news, please contact Franziska Hauffe.

New Jobs @ Informatics Europe Job Platform

There are 19 new job openings on the Informatics Europe Job Platform!

Extend your search to attract the best and advertise open positions on the Informatics Europe job platform free of charge!

About the Bulletin

The Informatics Europe Bulletin is sent every month to member representatives of Informatics Europe. Please pass on the Bulletin to any other interested person in your institution. Alternatively, please send us the e-mails of colleagues you would like us to include and we will add them directly to the distribution.

For changes, please contact

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