Informatics Europe Bulletin: ECSS 2020 Goes Online!

Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe Bulletin - May 2020

Dear Members,

Welcome to the May edition of our monthly Bulletin. We hope you enjoy it! 

In this issue:

ECSS 2020 Goes Online!

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the ECSS 2020 will be held as an online event, from 26 to 28 October 2020, with the main theme Diversity in Informatics Research and Education. The conference will consist of a series of online sessions including a workshop for Leaders of Informatics Research and Education, keynote speakers and discussion on the main theme, National Associations and Women in Informatics Research and Education Workshops, Education and Gender Balance Award Winners Presentations, and the Informatics Europe Annual General Assembly.
Please save the dates and stay tuned by visiting our conference website.

COST Action European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics

We are glad to announce that our COST Action “European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics” has been successful and received a COST Action grant for a period of 4 years. Informatics Europe is the main proposer and leader of the action which aims at improving gender balance in Informatics through the creation and strengthening of a truly multi-cultural European network of academics working on the forefront of the efforts in their countries, institutions and research communities. Among other outcomes, the Action will provide the academic community, policymakers, industry and other stakeholders with recommendations and guidelines to address the following key challenges: (i) How to have more girls choosing Informatics as their higher education studies and profession; (ii) How to retain female students and assure they finish their studies and start successful careers in the field; (iii) How to encourage more female Ph.D. and postdoctoral researchers to remain in the academic career and apply for professorships in Informatics departments; (iv) How to support and inspire young women in their careers and help them to overcome the main hurdles that prevent women to reach senior positions.
To know more about the Action and how to get involved visit the COST Action website.

Joint Statement on Informatics Research Evaluation

A Joint Statement on Informatics Research Evaluation issued by Informatics Europe and 12 undersigned National Informatics Associations has been released in mid-April 2020.
You can find more information on the statement on our news article and the full statement can be downloaded here.

Ethics4EU Milestone Meeting

On the 7th and 8th of May Informatics Europe and the Ethics4EU team met online for the second Milestone Meeting in order to join forces and discuss the current working status of the project. A Multiplier Event, which was supposed to take place at the Informatics Europe Headquarters in Zurich during the same week, had to be postponed. The main goal of the planned Multiplier Event was to disseminate and create awareness in Switzerland about the core issues addressed by the project, as well as to foster networking of people working or interested in these issues.
We are looking forward to catching up on the event in Spring 2021 and will keep you posted about it.

New Service: Mobility Opportunities

The new Informatics Europe service "Mobility Opportunities" lists mobility offerings that are organised by our members and that include, for example, summer school programmes, internship options, stipends and scholarships for students, junior researchers, and PhD candidates. Informatics Europe members have a benefit of posting their mobility offerings free of charge. Despite the current events regarding the worldwide COVID-19 crisis, we are convinced that taking part in mobility exchanges is a very valuable experience and with the new service we hope to contribute to spreading the word about opportunities for students to benefit from it in the future.
You can access the new service here.

2019 ACM Distinguished Service Award

Michael Ley was named the recipient of the ACM Distinguished Service Award for creating, developing, and curating DBLP, an extraordinarily useful and influential online bibliographic resource that has changed the way computer scientists work.
You can learn more about DBLP by checking out the full article on the ACM website.

Association News

Board Meetings

  • Thursday, 4 June, 9:30-16:30, Skype (Executive Committee Only)
  • Friday, 5 June, 9:30-16:30, Skype
  • Friday, 26 June, 16:00-17:00, Skype 

Don’t forget: as a member representative, you can submit agenda topics and participate as an observer in Board meetings. Let us know in case you are interested in this offer!

Members News

Technological University Dublin, Ireland

Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Foundations of context-aware preference propagation

Foundations of context-aware preference propagation is the title of the publication, which took place in January 2020, in the Journal of the ACM by Davide Martinenghi (DEIB Polimi), Paolo Ciaccia (University of Bologna) and Riccardo Torlone (Roma Tre University). Preferences are a fundamental ingredient in a variety of fields, ranging from Economics to Computer Science, for deciding the best choices among possible alternatives. Contexts provide another important aspect to be considered in the selection of the best choices, since, very often, preferences are affected by context. In particular, the problem of preference propagation from more generic to more specific contexts naturally arises. Such a problem has only been addressed in a very limited way and always resorts to practical, ad hoc approaches. To fill this gap, in this article, we analyze preference propagation in a principled way and adopt an abstract context model without making any specific assumptions on how preferences are stated. Click here, to access the full article.

This space is available to include relevant news from our member institutions. If you would like to share your news, please contact Franziska Hauffe.

New Jobs @ Informatics Europe Job Platform

There are 10 new job openings on the Informatics Europe Job Platform!
Extend your search to attract the best and advertise open positions on the Informatics Europe job platform free of charge!

About the Bulletin

The Informatics Europe Bulletin is sent every month to member representatives of Informatics Europe. Please pass on the Bulletin to any other interested person in your institution. Alternatively, please send us the e-mails of colleagues you would like us to include and we will add them directly to the distribution.

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