Informatics Europe Bulletin: COVID-19 Policy Statement and New Forum on Distance Learning Practices

Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe Bulletin - April 2020

Dear Members,

We are happy to announce that as of April our Bulletin will be published monthly. The format will stay the same, but the news will be more condensed and relying on links where our members can explore each topic individually according to their interest and focus point. We hope you enjoy it! 

In this issue:

Recommendation on the Use of IT for COVID-19 Infection Mitigation

At the beginning of April 2020, the Board of Directors of Informatics Europe has issued a policy recommendation regarding the use of tracking technology in the efforts to control the COVID-19 infection spread.
To download the policy statement, please click here.

New Service: Forum on Distance Learning Practices

In light of the current events regarding the worldwide COVID-19 crisis, universities are facing new and unexpected challenges for their teaching methods. Therefore, Informatics Europe has launched the Forum on Distance Learning Practices to offer our community a platform for exchanging ideas, best practices and experiences.
You can access and contribute to the forum here.

Report: Bridging the Digital Talent Gap

Informatics Europe is delighted to announce the publication of the report "Bridging the Digital Talent Gap: Towards Successful Industry-University Partnerships". The report presents the summary of the discussions and recommendations originated during the Bridging the Digital Talent Gap Workshop organized on October 2019 in Rome by Informatics Europe and the European Commission DG CONNECT.
You can find more information on the report on our news article, or on the news article recently published by the European Commission. The full report can be downloaded here.

Association News

Board Meetings

  • Friday, 24 April, 15:00-17:00, Skype
  • Thursday, 4 June, 9:30-16:30, Skype (Executive Committee Only)
  • Friday, 5 June, 9:30-16:30, Skype
Don’t forget: as a member representative, you can submit agenda topics and participate as an observer in Board meetings. Let us know in case you are interested in this offer!

New Informatics Europe Members

As of January 2020, Informatics Europe has a new process for membership application and admission. A new Membership Committee (assisted when necessary by national experts) is in charge of assessing all new membership applications. Four main evaluation criteria are thereby considered to assess the education and research activities of the applying organization. Based on this, the Committee presents a motivated recommendation to the Board of Directors of Informatics Europe for or against the admission of the applying organization. The Board is then ultimately in charge of the final decision on each membership application.
To learn more about the evaluation criteria and the Membership Committee, please click here.

Members News

Politecnico di Milano, Italy - Exscalate4CoV project: faster drug discovery to fight the Coronavirus

Italy is leading Exscalate4CoV (E4C), the public-private consortium receiving 3 million Euros from the European Commission’s H2020 tender for projects to fight the Coronavirus pandemic. The E4C project is leveraging EU’s supercomputing resources coupling them with some of the continent’s best life-science research labs to counter international pandemics faster and more efficiently. The E4C consortium is coordinated by Dompé Farmaceutici and Politecnico di Milano is one of the key partners of E4C. At the core of the project is the Exscalate platform developed by Dompé, Politecnico di Milano and CINECA. Exscalate is at present the most powerful (and cost-efficient) intelligent supercomputing platform in the world, leveraging a "chemical library" of 500 billion molecules, thanks to a processing capacity of more than 3 million molecules per second. The POLIMI team is composed of Prof. Cristina Silvano and Prof. Gianluca Palermo. They are investigating autotuning techniques for high-performance computing, that they’ve applied to accelerate drug discovery in the ANTAREX project against the Zika virus. 

Further links:

EPFL, ETH, Switzerland - Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing

The Decentralised Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP-3T) project is an open protocol for a secure and decentralized privacy-preserving COVID-19 proximity tracing system. It was produced by a core team of over 25 scientists and academic researchers from across Europe. It has also been scrutinized and improved by the wider community. DP-3T is a free-standing effort started at EPFL and ETHZ that produced this protocol and that is implementing it in an open-sourced app and server on this repository.
Its goal is to simplify and accelerate the process of identifying people who have been in contact with an infected person, thus providing a technological foundation to help slow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The system aims to minimise privacy and security risks for individuals and communities and guarantee the highest level of data protection.
To know more visit:

This space is available to include relevant news from our member institutions. If you would like to share your news, please contact Franziska Hauffe.

New Jobs @ Informatics Europe Job Platform

There are 8 new job openings on the Informatics Europe Job Platform!

Extend your search to attract the best and advertise open positions on the Informatics Europe job platform free of charge!

About the Bulletin

The Informatics Europe Bulletin is sent every month to member representatives of Informatics Europe. Please pass on the Bulletin to any other interested person in your institution. Alternatively, please send us the e-mails of colleagues you would like us to include and we will add them directly to the distribution.

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