Informatics Europe Bulletin - August 2019

Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe Bulletin - August 2019

Dear Members,

We are happy to send you the latest Informatics Europe bulletin, our bi-monthly newsletter for members.

In this issue:

ECSS 2019: Registration Open!

Registration is open for the 15th European Computer Science Summit, ECSS 2019, to be held in Rome, at the Hotel NH Collection Roma Centro, 28-30 October, 2019.
IMPORTANT: Early-bird fees are available only until 15th September. Register asap to benefit from the discounted prices!

The conference this year will have a renewed and enriched format consisting of the main summit of three days composed of several complementary events and sessions. Among the main events are the Workshop for Leaders of Informatics Research and Education, the Workshop of the WIRE Working Group and the Workshop on Bridging the Digital Talent Gap in Europe, organised by Informatics Europe in partnership with the European Commission DG CONNECT.
This year’s edition focus on the theme: Social Responsibility of Informatics.The full set of keynote speakers and the advanced program are available on the ECSS 2019 website.

ECSS 2019 quick links:

We hope that you will join us for an exciting Summit this year. Stay tuned for all up-to-date information also in our LinkedIn group and on Twitter!

2019 Awards Winners to be Announced at the ECSS 2019

This year, the Minerva Informatics Equality Award focuses on gender equality initiatives and policies with the aim to develop the careers of female faculty, and the Best Practices and Education Award is devoted to outstanding European Informatics educational initiatives that promote the inclusion and development of student groups such as the elderly, immigrants or people with functional diversity. The Winners of both Awards will be announced at an award ceremony on October 29 at ECSS 2019.
The award ceremony is jointly organized by ERCIM that will also announce the winner of the 2019 Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award. Winners of the three awards will be invited to give a short talk on their achievements during the Award Ceremony.

Meeting of Informatics National Associations in Zurich

On July 9 we had the honour to welcome the representatives of eleven National Informatics Associations at our headquarters in Zurich. This meeting was the second of its kind and is part of an initiative that was initiated by Informatics Europe at the ECSS 2018 last October.
This time the central point of discussion was Research Evaluation. Participants presented and discussed the current status and practices in their countries as well as key projects for the community:DPLP, OpenCitations, GII-GRIN-SCIE Conference Rating system and Open Science.
All in all, it was a fruitful day of exchanging ideas, networking and brainstorming together. The full minutes of the meeting will be available here soon.

Informatics for All – Rome Declaration

The Informatics for All coalition is continuing to get academia, industry, government and society together to influence education policy in Europe towards the full recognition and establishment of Informatics as a foundational discipline in schools.
Following this purpose, the Rome Declaration offers a unique chance to national and international institutions to support and help raising awareness for the great importance of Informatics.
Therefore, Informatics Europe strongly encourages you to sign the declaration on behalf of your institution. Let’s work together on making Informatics accessible for all, throughout Europe!

ACM Celebration of Women in Computing, womENcourage 2019

This year, the 6th ACM Europe Celebration of Women in Computing womENcourage 2019 will be held in Rome, at the MAXXI Museum, from September 16th to 18th, 2019. The rich program includes a hackathon, a career fair, keynote talks, workshops, and panels by "role models". In addition, there will be two multidisciplinary research tracks that have signed up top speakers in two areas: “Shaping Conscious Cities” and “Artificial Intelligence and Health”.  The panels and workshops cover highly relevant and innovative themes such as Smart Cities, Internet of Underwater things, Women in Cybersecurity, Big Data and more. Informatics Europe is among the supporters of the womENcourage conferences. Registration to the 2019 event is currently open. 

ACM Computing Surveys: Editor-in-Chief Call for Nominations

The term of the current Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) is coming to an end, and the ACM Publications Board has established a search committee to assist the Board with selecting the next EiC, which will be Chaired by Chris Hankin. The successful Editor-in-Chief candidate will be the one whose proposed vision aligns with future directions and aims of the ACM Publications Board, as well as the candidate who is most experienced and best positioned to implement that vision.
Further information can be found at:

Association News

Board Meetings

The Informatics Europe Board last met by teleconference on June 28. The Executive Committee met face to face in Zurich on July 10. Discussions of a number of topics took place, including: organisation of ECSS 2019, progress and outcomes of high-level activities and working groups, membership drive, financial planning.

Next Board Meetings:

  • Friday, August 30, 16:00-17:00, Skype
  • Friday, September 27, 16:00-17:00, Skype
  • Sunday, October 27, 14:30-18:30, Rome
  • Thursday, October 31, 9:30-16:30 (Executive Committee Only)
  • Friday, November 29, 16:00-17:00, Skype 

Don’t forget: as a member representative, you can submit agenda topics and participate as an observer in Board meetings. Let us know!

Members News

This space is available to include posts from our member institutions. If you would like to share your news (courses, awards, nominations, conferences…), please contact Deadline for the September's issue is before the 5 September 2019.

New Jobs @ Informatics Europe Job Platform

Current openings on the Informatics Europe Job Platform. Your department/institute can advertise open positions on the Informatics Europe job platform too.
Extend your search to attract the best! The job service is free of charge for our members.


We wish our readers and members a happy and refreshing summer break!
Our Bulletin will be back in September with more news and updates about our activities and services.

About the Bulletin

The Informatics Europe Bulletin is sent every two months to member representatives of Informatics Europe. Please pass on the Bulletin to any other interested person in your institution. Alternatively, please send us the e-mails of colleagues you would like us to include and we will add them directly to the distribution.

For changes, please contact

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