Informatics Europe Bulletin - July 2018

Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe Bulletin  July 2024

Dear Members,

We are happy to send you the latest Informatics Europe bulletin, our bi-monthly newsletter for members.

In this issue:

ECSS 2018: Registration and Program, 9-10 October 

Registration is open for the 14th European Computer Science Summit (ECSS 2018) in Gothenburg, 9-10 October, at Chalmers Conference Center.

IMPORTANT: Early-bird fees are available until September 8!

This year’s edition focus on the theme: Informatics Transforms and Renews.

The full set of keynote speakers and the preliminary program are available on the ECSS 2018 website.

ECSS 2018 - quick links:

We hope that you will join us for an exciting Summit this year. Up-to-date information about the Summit can be found on the ECSS 2018 website and our Twitter account @informatics_eu with hashtag #ecss_2018.

Pre-Summit Workshop for Deans and Department Heads, 8 October

This year’s Workshop for Deans and Heads of Informatics Departments is dedicated to the topic: Personal Development, with a focus on special skills and management training needed by deans and professors on the one hand and PhD strategy and career training on the other. The workshop is co-chaired by Erika Abraham (RWTH Aachen University), Gregor Engels (Paderborn University) and Mehdi Jazayeri (University of Lugano).

You can register for only the Pre-summit Workshop, and/or for the whole ECSS 2018.

IMPORTANT: Early-bird fees are available until September 8!

Workshop for Deans and Department Heads - quick links:

2018 Awards Winners to be announced at ECSS 2018

Winners of the 2018 edition of the Minerva Informatics Equality Award, with a focus this year on encouraging female students to enroll in Informatics programs and the Best Practices and Education Award, devoted to innovative Informatics teaching practices, will be announced at an award ceremony on October 9 during ECSS 2018.
The award ceremony, jointly organized by ERCIM, will also announce the winner of the 2018 Cor Baayen Young Researcher Award. Winners of the three awards will be invited to give a short talk on their achievements.

Member survey: your opinion matters

We have seen our membership growing over the last couple of years to more than 120 institutions. The association is run by the board on behalf of you, our members, so we need to understand your views of the organization. As the membership grows we become more representative of the field and are able to invest in new activities and services. The board is always open to new ideas to improve the association's member experience. We would be very grateful if you could take 10 minutes of your time to complete the online survey by September 10. The outcome will be shared during the Annual General Assembly held on October 9 at ECSS 2018.

Pledge against lethal autonomous weapons

Informatics Europe recently endorsed the pledge against lethal autonomous weapons launched by the Future of Life Institute. The social and ethical impact of new informatics technologies and particularly of Artificial Intelligence affects both citizens and governments. As an organization we strongly advocate for regulations and international agreements to prevent and prohibit unacceptable uses of AI. To this end, the Ethics Working Group published the report "When Computers Decide: European Recommendations on Machine-Learned Automated Decision Making" in March this year.

ERCIM News: call for contributions

The latest issue of ERCIM News (114 – July 2018) has recently been published and features a special theme on 'Human-Robot Interaction' coordinated by Serena Ivaldi (Inria) and Maria Pateraki (FORTH-ICS). The next issue to appear in October will focus on the theme ‘Digital Twins’. Submissions from Informatics Europe members are welcome. The Call for Contributions is open until August 28.

Association News

Follow us on Twitter

Recent news about Informatics Europe activities and events is now available on Twitter under the username @informatics_eu. ECSS updates are published using the hashtag #ecss_2018. Please send an email to to add your institution to allow us to follow your institution and it would help the visibility of the community if all our members followed us.

New Members

We are happy to welcome the following 4 new Members:

Our first member in Turkey widens our representation in Europe, now totalling 31 countries and 124 institutions. Our list of members is available on the website

Board Meetings  

The Informatics Europe Board met by teleconference on June 29. Items on the agenda included: ECSS 2018 and progress reports of current working groups and long term development.
Next Board Meetings: 

  • Friday, July 27, 16:00-17:00, Skype
  • Friday, August 31, 16:00-17:00, Skype
  • Friday, September 28, 16:00-17:00, Skype
  • Sunday, October 7, 14:30-17:30, @ECSS 2018, Gothenburg

As a member representative, you are welcome to submit agenda items and to participate as an observer in Board meetings. Please send an email to if you would like to attend the meeting in Gothenburg.

Members News

University of Maribor, Slovenia

  • Excellence in Communication Award - The Slovenian Scientific Foundation awarded the Institute of Computer Science, University of Maribor (Slovenia) the "Prometheous Of Science" 2017 for excellence in communication. The jury highlighted the development of various communication forms and techniques to raise citizens’ awareness of the importance of research in the fields covered by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and for the promotion of technical careers in the country.

Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

  • Best Data Showcase Award in MSR' 18 and JA Start-up Contest - Antonis Gortzis and Dimitris Mitropoulos (Business Analytics Lab, Department of Management Science and Technology) supervised by Diomides Spinellis received the Best Data Showcase Award during the ‘MSR' 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories’. Earlier this year Christos Tarantilis advised another winning team of students through the ‘JA Start Up Contest’ on a Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship project. 

This space is reserved to post relevant news from our member institutions. If you would like to include a piece of news in our next Bulletin (September 2018) please contact Pepa Echanove before September 5.

New Jobs @Informatics Europe Job Platform 

Your department/institute can advertise vacancies on the Informatics Europe job platform. The job service is free of charge to our members. 
Example recent openings on the Informatics Europe online Job Platform:



We wish our readers and members a happy and refreshing summer break!
Our Bulletin will be back in September with more news and updates about our activities and services.  

About the Bulletin

The Informatics Europe Bulletin is sent every two months to member representatives of Informatics Europe. Please pass on the Bulletin to any other interested person in your institution. Alternatively, please send us the e-mails of colleagues you would like us to include and we will add them directly to the distribution.

For changes, please contact

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