Informatics Europe´s Bulletin - May 2017

Informatics Europe

Informatics Europe’s Bulletin -  May 2017

Dear Members,

We are happy to send you the latest Informatics Europe bulletin, our bi-monthly newsletter for members.

In this issue:

ECSS 2017 Call for Participation

Informatics Connects! is the main topic of the 13th European Computer Science Summit – ECSS 2017

The ongoing digital revolution and globalization is deeply affecting education and research in Informatics, as well as the role that the domain plays in society. On the one hand, Informatics is driving this digital revolution, creating a huge demand for specialized graduates and professionals. It is also contributing to developing innovative, fundamental approaches and tools for other disciplines: data-driven science, personalized medicine, manufacturing, architecture, finance and the creatives industries among others. On the other hand, Informatics is a global discipline that remains largely unaffected by local or country-specific regulations. That is why education and talent-search know no boundaries, as we can see from the ever-increasing number of joint programmes, online courses (MOOCs) and the presence of major IT companies across all the globe. The ECSS 2017 will set the stage to discuss the challenges and opportunities on managing this increased “connectivity”.

The European Informatics community will meet in the lively and colourful city of Lisbon, Portugal, on October 23-25, 2017, hosted by the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, where a selection of distinguished speakers will discuss the connectivity challenge in its various forms, including best practices and success stories. A number of technical talks on selected issues and discussion panels will complete the program.

Confirmed speakers:

More speakers will be announced soon. Registrations will open by end of June. We are looking forward to your participation!  Check the ECSS 2017 website for regular updates! 

Pre-Summit Workshop for Deans and Department Heads

Jointly with the ECSS main Summit, Informatics Europe organises a special Workshop for Deans and Heads of Informatics Departments. The aim is to address specific challenges, best practices, new approaches and practical strategies in Informatics education & research. The Workshop provides an excellent networking platform for strengthening leadership and management. Teaching Informatics for all! will be this year’s main theme. The great challenge that Informatics Departments face when needing to create introductory Informatics courses to all departments in a university will be the center of the discussions.

The 2017 Pre-Summit Workshop will be held on October 23, at the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, co-chaired by Prof. Mehdi Jazayeri, Faculty of Informatics, University of Lugano and Prof. Hannes Werthner, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology.

For more details and list of speakers please visit the Workshop for Deans and Heads of Informatics Departments website.

Submissions to the 2017 Awards - Deadline June 1st

Minerva Informatics Equality Award
Submissions to the 2nd Minerva Informatics Equality Award, which seeks to encourage and support the careers of women in Informatics research and education, are still open. This year, the award is devoted to initiatives supporting the transition of female PhD and Postdoctoral Researchers into Faculty positions. The Award is sponsored by Google and carries a prize of 5.000 EUR.
Best Practices in Education Award
Submissions to the 7th Best Practices in Education Award, devoted to curriculum and professional development initiatives for making Informatics education available to all, are still open. The Award carries a prize of 5.000 EUR.
The winners of both Awards will be presented at the 13th ECSS, October 2017, in Lisbon, and invited to give a talk on their achievements.
If your department has implemented successful initiatives in these areas, get ready for submission! Both deadlines are June 1st, 2017  

New Jobs @ Informatics Europe Job Platform

Current openings on the Informatics Europe online Job Platform:
Your department/institute can advertise open positions on the Informatics Europe job platform too. Extend your search to attract the best. The job service is free of charge for our members. 

Association News

Staff changes in the Informatics Europe Office in Zurich

We are happy to welcome Pepa Echanove to the Informatics Europe team!
She will replace Irene Contreras and take the role of Communications and Membership Manager. Originally from Spain, Pepa holds a Master’s degree in Journalism and further training in Cross-cultural Communication. She has broad international experience in education & research administration and communication. Before joining Informatics Europe she worked at the Lycée Français and the ETH-UZH Center for Comparative and International Studies (Switzerland), King’s College London Dental School (UK) and Université d’Aix-Marseille (France).
Irene Contreras has decided to pursue her career in a different direction, we thank her for her contribution and wish all the best in her future.

New Members

We are happy to welcome the following new members: Our first member in Luxembourg widens our representation in Europe, adding up to 28 countries and over 110 institutions. For more details check out our member’s list.

Board Meetings  

The Informatics Europe Board met by teleconference on March 31 and April 28. A number of topics have been on the agenda, including: membership drive, ECSS 2017 and ECSS 2018, progress report of current working groups, development of the IE’s Job Platform, collaboration with ERCIM and ACM Europe
Next Board Meetings:
  • Friday, May 19, 16:00-17:00, Skype
  • Friday, June 16, 9:30-16:30, Edinburgh
  • Friday, July 28, 16:00-17:00, Skype

Don’t forget: as a member representative, you are welcome to submit agenda topics and to participate as an observer in Board meetings. Let us know!

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About the Bulletin

The Informatics Europe Bulletin is sent every two months to member representatives of Informatics Europe. Please pass on the Bulletin to any other interested person in your institution. Alternatively, please send us the e-mails of colleagues you would like us to include and we will add them directly to the distribution.

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